Inspire Blog Columns

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Tune in on Sundays for Anthea’s take on what’s up with and in social media. Join the conversation by leaving a comment or suggesting a topic you’d like to see covered here!

Taking Care of Business

As IGNITE members, it should be our priority to be as professional as possible in attire, speech, rhetoric and general appearance. Get a professional perspective on a variety of topics related the business world, from financial advice to tips on how to stand out from the rest in order to enhance the reputation of Rockford young professionals.

Writer: Scott Clark

Finding the Good

So often, Rockford get’s a bad rap.  Even worse, this is a complex Rockfordians give themselves!  So we’re out to Find the Good – in Rockford, in each other, in the little things and in the big ones.  There’s good out there …. and we’re going to find it.

Doorway to Diversity: Take a Step into the World of Diversity

Diversity is all around us, whether it is in nature, people, or even in our own families. Before the world was aware of the definition of the word “diversity,” there were signs of various forms of life, civilizations, and cultures coming together and existing in peace. This column will explore the globe, travel back into history, and discuss various stories of people, places and cultures to help remind all of us that there is something wonderful by just simply being diverse.

Writer: Darold Ingram

Live It Up

As a young professional, you want to know how to maintain a balance between life, work, and fun. It’s hard to eat right, fit in a workout, or know what to plant around your house. And you want to know about all of the places and events that Rockford has to offer. This column will fill you in on both by visiting the newest and hottest spots in Rockford and covering lifestyle issues that affect young professionals in today’s world.

Writer: Karissa Kienast

Love-Drunk or Hungover

No, we’re not talking about drunken one-night stands. We’re talking about the two very different ends of the love spectrum: the blissful euphoria of a relationship gone right (love-drunkenness) or the pain and regret of a relationship gone wrong (a love hangover). Relationships – good or bad, right or wrong – rule our lives, and we plan on exploring all of the elements that make up our love-hate relationship with love and relationships. Thanks to the band Boys Like Girls for the fantastic metaphor!

Writer: Mika Doyle